Friday, January 30, 2009

Common Ground

So today I was sitting with one of the store owners and we were talking about how people my age don't go to church. I hate that the attendance for 20 somethings had dropped to bascially nothing. Even at my own church I can count on one hand the number of singles. And then we talked about how great it would be if there was a place in the area where young adults could get together and hang out after work, and on the weekends and meet other Christians.

I was really excited about the idea! We discussed how it could have a game area, and diner, and a place for concerts, too. I mean, this would be great if it happened! Then I thought about the financial part and my suggestion was getting the fundung from churches in the area so that it would be a place for everyone, not just one denomination, or one church. It would be more of a community hang out and place to reach out.

The ideas were just spilling out! Like having a counselor on staff so that if someone needed some help with a serious issue, then there would be a a safe place for them to come.

This would be absolutely amazing if this could actually happen. Finding a place to lease as a community center for young Christian adults and then finding funding from churches would definitely take a lot, but I think it would be totally great, and a great way to get Christians my age to meet and make friends. I know that it's hard finding friends my age. Someone I share common ground with. But this would be great. It really would be amazing. And I would love to see it happen.

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