Thursday, December 18, 2008

The Best Time of Year?

How is it that it's only December 18th and I'm already tired of Christmas? Maybe it's because I just don't enjoy seeing the nation think we need to buy tons of stuff for our family and friends to make it a "good one." I mean, really.... that's kinda sad. When I think about past Christmases, I never really remember what gifts I got. Especially as a kid. What I remember is the moments.

Ok, one year we were all in the middle of opening presents and my dad started acting weird and tickling our dog. So then we all went over and started tickling my dad. And it was hilarious. Do I remember what I got that year? Nope.

And one year I was running around the house and somehow managed to knock the tree over. Of course, a bunch of ornaments were broken, but that is something we always talk about every year.

I don't remember what I got for gifts last year, even. Mostly because it's what happens between the gifts that is more important. And I'm not saying those moments are perfect either. But it's great when we are able to sit around and remenisce about past holidays and have a good laugh. That means more to me than having tons of gifts under the tree.

I really loved hearing a sermon about overgifting. One of the leaders at our church did an amazing job really showing us how we, as a nation, love to spend spend spend and forget about the rest of the world, who are trying to survive, not just "survive the holidays." It really was a humbling event to hear that, and I was pleased for someone to step up and say "Hey, we can help others out instead of buying stuff that we don't need."

One thing I really hate is how we can't offend anyone with the really meaning of Christmas, either. We have to say "happy holidays." Ok, that's just silly. The only reason we have this holiday is because of Christ. Hello. The fact that Christians won't stand up and demand we keep Him where He belongs, especially when we are celebrating His birth, is ridiculous. So.... I'm gonna say it and you can get mad or say it with me.


1 comment:

  1. Soooooo...tomorrow...I think you and Jay will be VERY interested in my story about my new friend from England! ;-) You're going to laugh, and be so proud. Hope you guys are having a BLAST together! Oh, and Jenn, thanks for keeping Christ in Christmas. The world needs all the focus it can get. Keep shining. It makes a difference, and I'm right there with you. :-) Love ya!
